Two bedroom apartment
in block «Viola», entrance «B», ap. # «V.B 25»

The apartment is with year-round individual air conditioning — for the whole apartment and for the individual rooms. Heat pump replace entirely air conditioner and steam heating for cooling and heating. High-intelligent silent convectors, controlled by remote heat or cool the apartments. Heat energy is measured individualy for each apartment without paying for common arеas. Green energy reduces utility bills for apartments bu up to 40% * in Varna Citi Park South.

* the calculation was made for a four-member family

price and detailed information
show at the floor

Detailed information about the apartment «V.B 25»

Apartments will be finished with:

Crystal cleared mineral water for you is a source of heating, cooling, hot water for the kitchen and bathroom and mineral water for drinking.

Type Two bedroom
Block «Viola»
Entrance «B»
Floor fifth
Exposition Southwest
Total area 102,74 m2
Apartment area 89,51 m2
Cellar # V14
Cellar area 4,66 m2
Garden view No
Status Sold
Price (now)
Monthly fee
see what it includes
70,89 BGN

Block «Viola», floor fifth
Ap. «V.B 25» with exposure Southwest

Entrance «B»

Entrance «A»

Place of the rooms in apartment «V.B 25»


«ISU Invest» EAD
An company of «Interservice Uzunovi» AD
Central office: Varna 9009, str. «Vladislav Varnenchik» 186
tel. 0888 810 810, fax: 052/630 730

We are answering your questions

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You need to fill field «E-mail», «Question»

Sun movement for apartment «В.Б 25»

The shown graphic is for the sun movement for July 2017.

«Varna city park SOUTH» apartments

☰ way of payment
  1. Initial deposit payable upon signature to a preliminary agreement.
  2. Balance payment to be made in one of two ways:
    A) Upon issuance of Act 16, at transfer of the ownership;
    B) During construction, where a discount of up to 7.5% is applicable to each amount paid;
  3. We have secured up to 80% preferential mortgage lending to our customers from several Bulgarian banks. Soft loan terms and conditions for Bulgarians employed abroad.

I get it now

Do you have further questions?
Call us on: +359 888 810810
Write to us to:

☰ fee of 0,69 bgn/m2

The monthly maintenance fee covers:

  1. All running costs (wages for the staff, consumables, electricity bills for the common parts, lighting in the park, lifts, etc.);
  2. 24 – hour access control at two access points;
  3. Subscription for servicing of the lifts;
  4. Landscaping maintenance of the 25 000 m2 park area;
  5. Cleaning of staircases, stairwells, common parts and green park;
  6. Maintenance of underground parking lot of 20 000 m2;
  7. Video monitoring;
  8. Current maintenance of the installations at the complex;
  9. Current maintenance of the hot mineral water swimming pool;
  10. Lighting of stairwells and corridors;
  11. Lighting of the common parts of the 20 000 m2 park area;
  12. Lighting of the underground parking lot of 640 parking places.

The fee is based on the number of square meters specified as “common area” for each individual property.


The fee payable for a two-room apartment of 65,02 m2 will amount to 44,86 BGN/month.

I get it now

Do you have further questions?
Call us on: +359 888 810810
Write to us to:

An project of «Interservice Uzunovi» AD

Call us: 0888 810 810
We are answering on Viber